Pure Water for the World partnered with rural and underserved communities, where there are high incidences of waterborne diseases and a scarcity of aid. They established comprehensive safe water solutions that include the essential tools and education to serve all community members. Jeff Jean, an Iwaki America employee, volunteered with their organization in Haiti in the Summer of 2021. Enjoy this 2-minute inspiring video!
Walchem has teamed up with Pyxis to bring you the latest technology in measuring tagged polymers. Learn more in this one-minute video!
In addition to unparalleled versatility for managing your water treatment services, Walchem controllers have proven their durability in the harshest environments. Pictured is our longevity testing area that has seen negative 12° in the winter and over 110° in the summer months in New England. Some of the units pictured have been exposed to these elements since 2013.
Walchem controllers not only provide leading-edge technology, high quality, and superior customer service but do so in the toughest environments.
In a season of giving, Iwaki America and Walchem donated $5,250 to Pure Water for the World. Pictured are Charlene Seward, Treasurer of Pure Water for the World, and John Miersma, President and CEO of Iwaki America. Pure Water for the World is a nonprofit dedicated to improving the health of children and families, living in rural and underserved communities, by providing effective tools and education to establish sustainable safe water, hygiene, and sanitation solutions. They are also a partner with the Association of Water Technologies where Walchem was just awarded their Supplier of the Year Award.
¿Hablas español? Você fala português?
Walchem has just released Spanish and Portuguese language websites for our customers in Latin America and Europe. Be sure to visit these websites to see our complete line of controladores, bombas and sensores.
FINALLY! An accurate way to measure, control, and document your stabilized bromine product.
Free bromine sensors don’t work, ORP doesn’t work, Walchem has a sensor that does. Just supply a clean sample of cooling tower water and calibrate to match your normal DPD-4 test. It can be installed the same way as our other membrane-style amperometric disinfection sensor, or the sample can be returned to a pressurized pipe up to 85 PSI.
Out of Quarantine and into Legionella?
The COVID-19 crisis brought businesses and manufacturing operations around the world to a standstill leaving potable and non-potable building water systems idle. Stagnant water creates the perfect environment for Legionella bacteria growth. Our complete line up of controllers, metering pumps and sensors can address and solve potential legionella issues.
Welcome to Walchem Fluent® the NEW cloud-based, Water Treatment Management Software Tool that amplifies the value of Walchem Controllers.
If you’ve used our VTouch platform in the past, you will be amazed by Walchem Fluent’s new data graphing features, priority dashboard, and alarm escalation. In addition, it is now mobile friendly and includes increased data storage.
Walchem Fluent® is available on every web-enabled Walchem Series Controller.